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Living with MS: Physiotherapy

Ivan Janjevic physiotherapist Do you really know your body? Do you understand what happens to it when a person is afflicted with Multiple sclerosis? As a longtime physiotherapist specialized in neuro rehabilitation of the patients in serious conditions, I learned that most patients with MS do not know how to deal with the affects that multiple sclerosis causes in their body.

Sudden dizziness with no apparent reason, blurry vision and ringing in the ears that you don't worry much about quickly transforms into numbness and tingling in limbs and then to weakness. Suddenly you are surprised with paralysis - when MS is usually suspected and later confirmed.

The most frequent issues that MS patient have are:

  • Pain,
  • Spasam and muscle weakness
  • Urinary inontinance,
  • Balance coordination
  • disability scale

    Pain is usually caused by increased muscle tone, i.e spasm, when you use movements and body positions which relaxe the tensed muscle and nerves.

    Spasm is present as usually as increased muscle tone, a sense of stiffness in legs or hands, that limit the possibility of proper movement, and sometimes causes immobility. Proper exercise through therapy can overcome strongest spasms. Understand that spasm kills and eliminates your strength and healthy muscles. Only when spasm is treated successfully, you can start with strengthening your muscles. The feeling of weakness when spasm is cured comes from the fact that your body already got used to being used for the wrong movements. People often, immediately start with active exercises and fall into disappointment because exercising with weak muscles cannot overcome spasm. Spasm and inactivity make affected muscles sleepy, weak and accustomed to wrong movements. Stem cells therapy creates healthy nerve-muscle connections, after which a patient needs to activate them.


    Urination incontinence is a very common phenomenon that is reflected in the fact that you can't retain urine (uncontrolled urination), cannot urinate, or you feel difficulties while urinating. At Swiss Medica in addition to medications, we affectively perform the bladder stimulation. You must be aware that bladder is a muscle too and as such can relax or strengthen, depending on the problem.

    Balance, coordination - as a therapist, through tests of muscle strength, balance and coordination, I'm getting to know the patient, his or hers weak points and through which exercise can I strengthen the body and to which muscle and movement i need to pay attention. Even though the diagnosis is the same, each person is different, each requires different exercises. At Swiss Medica we practice ONE PATIENT-ONE THERAPIST approach which makes the patient feel more secure and easier to recover. One of the biggest mistakes that patients with MS make, is that they overdo they exercises, which has the opposite effect. The therapist should be moderate in the exercises, to listen to the patient and follow his biorhythm. Throughout the preparation period we are improving the condition of the body so it can achieve the best possible reception of stem cells. After stem cells treatment treatment through proper exercise and therapy we can activate the muscles and their dormant potential.

    Human organism is a perfect system that easily adapts, sometimes mask the symptoms, and often shows potential when you least expect it or think it does not exist. I always explain to my patients: "The brain does not remember the muscle, but the movement you make" and that is the principle of neurorehabilitation techniques that we implement at swiss medica - PNF- proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.

    Ivan Janjević,

    Swiss Medica Physiotherapist


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