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Successful MS story after medication and chemotherapy that not helped

Client: Sergio

Country: Italy

If I should recommend it to someone, I would tell them to come here. One of the reasons being that they have the best treatment method here, that I could possibly recommend. Everything is good. “All’s well that ends well”.

My name is Sergio Cocivera. I come from Sicily, province of Catania actually. I came here after getting in touch with a girl called Rita, who was here before.

I was impressed how far she’d come, because I knew in what state she was before she was here and I saw, a couple of months upon she left the clinic, the big improvements that have happened.

I told her I want to the same thing she did, because we suffer from the same disease.

Which is?

Multiple sclerosis. I’ve tried everything: interferon, immunoglobuline, chemotherapy… I tried everything. I brought you all the files where you can see all the therapies I went through.

I feel good right now. I hope that I’ll feel improvements that Rita had felt and that I can tell everyone about it.

You already felt it. You felt that you have more energy…

Yes, yes, yes. I’ve noticed that I have more energy. Muscle twitching has almost disappeared.

Muscle twitching became so irrelevant, because it is so subtle, meaningless. I don’t even know how to define it, it disappeared.

I felt good here. I am satisfied with everything, both with nurses and with doctors…

Staff in general.

Staff in general, the whole team, so to speak.

All in all, I’d recommend it.

If I should recommend it to someone, I would tell them to come here. One of the reasons being that they have the best treatment method here, that I could possibly recommend. Everything is good. “All’s well that ends well”.


What else can I say? Other than I feel good here, you are giving me too much food, I’ll gain weight. I should have weighted myself before I came here and then again once I come back home, so I can see the difference…. Anyway…

Everything’s positive…

Yes, I came across the best possible, fascinating ambiance.

Like a family.

Exactly, like a family. If I had to…

Doctors, staff, everyone’s professional, nice and everything…

Yes, nice, everyone’s nice.

Yes, yes, yes…

Nothing was too difficult…

We felt comfortable.

Exactly. It was like my family expanded all of a sudden. I can call it that.

Everyone is very kind, in every way. So, we hope it will be alright and we will recommend it to others.

Yes, if it should… Look, over where we live there are a lot of people with this disease. In my town and other places around it, multiple sclerosis has taken its toll.

Yes. So accordingly, we will recommend this clinic.


Yes, we will do that.

If it should…

OK. Thank you.

Thank you for everything that you are providing us with.

Thank you.

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